2009 Wins and Accomplishments
In 2009 our dogs earned a total of 27 titles including 2 Champion Trackers- In addition Arthur CH Killara's Riders On The Storm and Tessa Ch Killara's Grand Idea RA both earned multiple Group placements! We are very proud of these outstanding accomplishments!
In 2009 our dogs earned a total of 27 titles including 2 Champion Trackers- In addition Arthur CH Killara's Riders On The Storm and Tessa Ch Killara's Grand Idea RA both earned multiple Group placements! We are very proud of these outstanding accomplishments!
Show Ring
03-13-09 & 03-12-09 Arthur "Ch Killara's Riders On The Storm" takes BOB at Louisville KY.
03-22-09 Anita and Tessa earn a 2nd place at George Alston's Advance Handling seminar. 04-18-09 Tessa "Ch Killara's Grand Idea RN" is awarded an AKC Group 4 04-18-09 Arthur "Ch Killara's Riders On The Storm" takes BOB in Waterloo, IA 04-26-09 Tessa "Ch Killara's Grand Idea RN" takes another Group 4 05-03-09 Arthur "Ch Killara's Riders On The Storm" takes Best of Breed beating out over 15 other Field Spaniels. 6-20-09 Arthur struts away with an AKC GROUP 3 win at a large show! 6-21-09 Arthur takes back to back group placements by also getting an AKC GROUP 4! Way to go guys! 7-31-09 Tessa makes it all the way to the final cut at the FSSA National specialty! 9-14-09 Tessa takes home another AKC GROUP 4 9-18-09 Blaze "Killara Keme Minooka" takes Best Of Breed for 2 points 9-19-09 Blaze takes Best of Opposite and Winners Dog for another point 9-20-09 Blaze takes Best of Breed for 1 point 11-21-09 Blaze finishes his Championship title with flare as he not only took Best of Winners but her also beat out a top ranked special for the Best of Breed! 12-12-09 Tessa goes Best Of Breed at the Eukanuba National Championship Show! |
Obedience & Rally
03-27-09 Luka "Ch Catera's It Had To Be You TDX" earns his third leg for the *Rally Novice Title*.03-27-09 Mai Tye "Ch Killara's Here Comes The Sun TDX OA NA NAJ" earns her 3rd Rally Novice leg with a score of 97 & the *Rally Novice Title*.
03-28-09 Mai Tye & Luka both pick up a spare Rally Novice leg. Mai Tye also takes 2nd place in a pre-novice class. 04-18-09 Mai Tye passes the American Temperament Society Test 5-30-09 Paige "Ch Catera's Simply Irresistible CD RE TDX JH" earns a her 2nd CDX leg with a 1st place and a score of 191.5 5-30-09 Mai Tye earns her 1st rally advance leg with a score of 98 and a 1st place 5-31-09 Mai Tye earns her 2nd and 3rd Rally Advance leg - earning 1st place for both legs and also scored a PERFECT 100 on her last leg. She now has the *Rally Advance Title* after her name. 7-22-09 Mai Tye earns her 1st CD leg with a score of 191 (2nd place) - not bad for her 1st time in the obedience ring. She also picked up her 1st Rally Excellent leg (1st place) with a score of 89 - 7-23-09 Paige earns her 3rd open obedience leg with a 1st place & a score of 192 for a NEW CDX title & 1st place 7-23-09 Mai Tye earns her 2nd RE leg with a score of 99 (1st place) & her 2nd CD leg (2nd place) with the score of 196 - one point off HIT not bad for a green girl! 7-23-09 Tessa earns her 3rd Rally Advance leg with a 2nd place for the *Rally Advance Title!* 9-19-09 Blaze earns his third leg for the *Rally Novice Title* 12-05-09 Mai Tye earns the *Rally Excellent Title* 12-06-09 Mai Tye earns her 3rd CD leg with a 3rd place and picks up the Companion Dog Title & the VCD1 Title 12-20-09 Mai Tye earns the Graduate Novice Title with three 1st places |
Hunting & Tracking
05-16-09 Paige earns her first Senior Hunt leg. She was also steady to wing and shot!
9-05-09 Paige & Mai Tye both earn a Senior Hunt leg at WESSA. Luka earned another Junior Hunt leg handled by Jay Gardiner 9-06-09 Paige does another great performance for another Senior Hunt (SH) leg. Luka also picks up another Junior Hunt (JH) leg 10-10-09 Paige Senior Hunt title. Mai Tye earns Senior Hunt Leg, 10-10-09 Luka earns the Junior Hunt Title 10-16-09 Mai Tye & Paige both earn the WDX title 10-17 & 18 -09 Mai Tye & Luka both pick up another SH leg 11-08-09 Luka Earns the VST tracking title and the CT title(Champion Tracker) 11-22-09 Mai Tye earns the Variable Surface Tracking Title & the Champion Tracker Title- The First Field Spaniel bitch to earn these titles! |
01-24-09 Mai Tye "Killara's Here Comes The Sun TDX NA NAJ earns her *Novice Fast Title* with three 1st places
2-15-09 Mai Tye earns her 1st Open Fast leg with a 3rd place 03-13-09 Mai Tye earns the *Open Agility Title* with three 1st places 03-15-09 Mai Tye earns her first Agility Excellent (AX) leg with another 1st place 04-10-09 Mai Tye earns her 1st Open Agility Jumpers (OAJ) leg with a 1st place 04-11-09 Mai Tye races away with another 1st place AX leg 05-01-09 Mai Tye gets another title with a 1st place AX leg and *NEW Agility Excellent Title* (AX) 05-02-09 Mai Tye 2nd OAJ leg with a 1st place 05-03-09 Mai Tye 1st MX leg and her earns her first MACH points 05-02-09 Paige "Ch Catera's Simply Irresistible CD RE TDX JH" earns her first Novice Jumpers Preferred (NJP) leg with a 1st place-handled by Jay Gardiner 05-03-09 Paige earns her first Novice Standard Preferred leg (NAP) leg with a 1st place handled by Jay Gardiner 06-19-09 Paige earns NAP leg with a 1st place handled by Jay. Mai Tye earns AX leg handled by Ellen. 6-20-09 Paige earns the *NAP TITLE* with a CLEAN RUN & a 1st Place! Handled by Jay Gardiner. 7-21-09 FSSA National Agility Trial Paige goes High in Trial in agility with a CLEAN RUN in Jumpers & daughter Mai Tye HIT goes High In Trial for FAST Class (1st Place) handled by Jay Gardiner 7-21-09 Paige earns the *Novice Agility Jumpers Preferred Title & VCD1 Title* handled by Jay Gardiner 8-21-09 Paige takes 1st place in FAST novice preferred handled by Jay Gardiner 8-22-09 Paige takes 1st place in both Open Jumpers preferred (100) & Open Standard preferred (95) handled by Jay Gardiner 08-23-09 Paige earns the Novice Fast Preferred Title 8-24-09 Mai Tye earns the Open Agility Jumpers Title (OAJ) 10-31-09 Mai Tye Earns the Agility Excellent Jumpers Title (AXJ) 11-28-09 Mai Tye Earns the Open Fast agility title (OF) 12-12-09 Paige earns the Open Jumpers Preferred Title with a 1st place |